Twitch Channel Points Autocliker

Twitch Channel Points Autocliker

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Read your browsing history


This permission is actually called "tabs" and gives the extension the ability to see the info about opened tabs, which can be used to collect browsing history, but is not used in that manner.
tabs.query is used to check if any there are any Twitch tabs opened already when the extension is launched.
tabs.onUpdated is used to check if any Twitch tabs have changed their URL to another Twitch URL (or redirected) to make sure that the extension is still running on a new page (like going from homepage to your streamer's channel page).
tabs.sendMessage is used to communicate with the main content script to see if the autoclicker is launched or not.
tabs.executeScript is used to manually launch main script inside the tab if it wasn't launched automatically (happens if the page is already opened before the extension is launched).
tabs.create is used to open a new tab, like to open a page that shows what's been updated.

Access browser activity during navigation


Allows to receive notifications when webpage navigation has been changed (url of the page has been changed).
webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated is used to execute certain functions when the URL of the page has been updated. This allows to catch when you navigate in and out of stream pages, so that the main script can be restarted appropriately.

Display notifications


This permission is self explanatory. It allows the extension to create notifications, mainly to notify about new update.
notifications.create is used to create and show a new browser notification, like the one you see when the extension is first installed or updated.
notifications.clear is used to remove notification from your screen if user is manually clicked the button to hide it.
notifications.onButtonClicked is used to execute certain functions when user clicks specific buttons on the notification, like to open updates page or to hide the notification.


This permission allows the extension to save and retrieve the data to/from the storage.
storage.sync.get is used to retrieve stored extension data, like your extension settings to modify the way extension operates. (Example: to hide or not to hide bonus points chests).
storage.sync.set is used to store extension data, like your extension settings to modify the way extension operates in the future.